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by / on April 10, 2021 at 11:34 am / in Lifestyle

A Change for the Better

For many this past year has been unlike any other with one extreme after the next. However, we have seen, heard, and experienced some increasingly positive outcomes as well. Let’s take a look at some of the changes that feel a lot more ooh than ahh! Environment With less human intrusion it seems that wildlife is thriving, air is cleaner, […]

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by / on April 1, 2021 at 3:32 pm / in Wellness

A Year in Review

It seems like the perfect time to say, “We did it!” It’s been roughly one year since the shutdown for most parts of North America. But really when you think about it, what have we done this past year? Though we’ve all been “in this together” each persons experience has been totally unique to them. Here’s a look at the […]

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by / on March 26, 2021 at 11:20 am / in Wellness

Keeping It Real

Why is it that no matter how great things are, we can still get sidetracked by negativity? There’s not a single one of us who can claim we’re happy 100% of the time, so honestly, why is it easier for us to believe the self-doubts, to get caught up in the gossiping, or to hang onto past hurts? The media […]

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by / on March 18, 2021 at 11:43 am / in Wellness

The Power of Prep

Whether its gearing up for a New Year with resolutions, setting SMART business goals, practicing for a presentation, studying for a test, contingency planning, meal prep, or setting the coffee maker the night before, people everywhere understand there’s power in preparation. For some it looks like a color-coded and labelled world of lists and organization that brings utter satisfaction and […]

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by / on January 19, 2021 at 8:16 pm / in Lifestyle

The Personalities of Change

The changing currents of life are enough to rock anyone’s boat, but because we’re all unique we each weather storms a bit differently. Every area of your life has ups and downs, and with that comes stress, which often tends to bring out the worst in us. So how does one keep an even keel? By knowing yourself and seeking […]

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by / on December 15, 2020 at 9:00 pm / in Wellness

Physical Wellness

It’s possible that you started the year off with big hopes of eating healthy and going to the gym – only for them to be dashed by the shutdown due to the pandemic. It’s also possible that you are one of those people that always has an excuse as to why you aren’t working on your health (don’t have the […]

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by / on November 5, 2020 at 2:00 pm / in Wellness

Occupational Wellness

You’ve heard the saying, “work hard, play hard, rest hard”, but actually living it may not always be so easy. Do you have balance between work and your life outside of work? While many people work to lead the life they have, some who work hard do not know when to call it a day and enjoy the fruits of […]

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by / on October 26, 2020 at 11:00 am / in Wellness

Intellectual Wellness

Brain fog…a lot of people get it, but why and what exactly is it? Pregnant women often affectionately refer to it as “mom brain,” others describe it as a feeling of disorganization and being unable to focus, and then there are those who experience it as a numbness like they’re simply going through the motions on default mode. The culprits […]

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by / on October 1, 2020 at 8:00 am / in Wellness

Environmental Wellness

With the cooler days approaching and darkness falling sooner, it’s a great time to soak up all the energy and really enjoy yourself outside. With so much going on in the world, we are fortunate to be able to connect with nature. How you interact with your surroundings is all a big part of environmental wellness. Being environmentally conscious is […]

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by / on September 22, 2020 at 8:26 am / in Wellness

Spiritual Wellness

How often do you make time to listen to your inner voice? If your typical day consists of a flurry of activity leaving you pushing much of your to-do list to tomorrow, chances are you aren’t getting enough time to really think about why you’re doing it all in the first place. If this sounds remotely familiar, you might need […]

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