The changing currents of life are enough to rock anyone’s boat, but because we’re all unique we each weather storms a bit differently.
Every area of your life has ups and downs, and with that comes stress, which often tends to bring out the worst in us. So how does one keep an even keel? By knowing yourself and seeking to understand others. One such studied and shared belief is the DISC Model of Behavior based on the theoretical work of Psychologist, Inventor and Writer, William Moulton Marston. It suggests that we each emote in four main behavioral patterns – Dominance, Inducement, Submission, and Compliance, and that we draw our sense of self from interactions in the world around us.
Human behavior experts such as Dr. Robert Rohm, and EXIT’s International Trainer, Angel Tucker help people understand what makes them tick, how to be their best selves, and how to get the most out of every relationship around them through training and coaching based on understanding the DISC System. You quickly learn there’s strengths and weaknesses with each personality blend, and we all have “those” traits, but this knowledge is power and can help us get around potential destructive behaviors and out of our own way.
“D” personalities are results-driven, direct and self-confident. These are the natural-born leaders who like to get things done, but struggle when they feel they’re not in control. Vulnerability is seen as a weakness to D’s, and impatience can often set in, leading to overstepping or tunnel vision. That’s when it’s time to stop and really listen, living a little in the grey areas between the black or white thinking that D’s can sometimes suffer from, and concentrate on others and their points of view. “D’s” need to exercise tolerance and be conscious of over-delegating or directing.
“I” personalities, are viewed as the most compatible. They’re the eternal optimists who are highly social, love attention, and are full of charisma and enthusiasm. With a natural gift for the gab, they seem to go a mile a minute, and can often be disorganized, impulsive and miss finer details. Lacking grounding on a good day, “I’s” need to slow it way down and zero in on priorities when under stress. They really need to listen, be more discerning with their trust, consider the source, and be careful of overpromising and seeming flaky. “I’s” must remember it’s not just about them. Everyone is working through issues, not ignoring them. But an “I’s” innate ability to bring people together and sprinkle fun on things, makes them just what the world needs right now.
“S” personalities love keeping things copacetic in their relationships and environments. These are the real team players who strive for stability. They’re patient, and great listeners. They’re always willing to lend a helping hand, but sometimes to their own fault. Change is especially hard for “S” personalities, who can suffer from indecisiveness without clear direction. “S’s” must look for opportunities to speak up and address feelings when necessary – not just nod along so as not to rock the boat. They must also set boundaries and avoid over-extending themselves to the point of feeling taken for granted.
“C” personalities are all about the details and prefer to work solo. They like to be in the know, strive for precision and are often methodical and skeptical. These are the critical thinkers, those who look for every opportunity to flex their expertise or gain knowledge, however they’re not big fans of just jumping in and taking risks. So, when C’s are caught in the midst of unprecedented times, they can struggle to make a move for their fear of making mistakes. “C’s” can avoid “analysis paralysis” by reaching out to friends, family or colleagues, being mindful of a tendency to come off as overly critical or cold.
Once you know who you are, knowing where you’re going comes naturally. Think of the DISC System as your compass that will help chart your course along your journey of life.
By Melanie Robitaille, Sr. Staff Writer and Graphic Designer