
by / on October 11, 2018 at 3:56 pm / in Wellness

How Affirming Can Help Develop a Success-Oriented Mindset

A common misconception is that acquisition creates a positive mindset. If that were true, there wouldn’t be any wealthy people who are unhappy. If you make the mistake of seeing a healthy psyche as something dependent on acquiring status or wealth, it can lead to the thinking trap of, “Once I get ____, then I’ll be happy,” whether it’s a […]

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by / on August 20, 2018 at 4:00 pm / in Wellness

Which Voice Are You Listening To?

We live in a world of choices. That’s the gift we were given as human beings; the ability to make choices. Unfortunately, many of us, the majority in fact, are not making choices, rather we are just getting by. What we’re really doing is working hard (unconsciously, of course) to keep things the same. But as my father, Bill Nasby, […]

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by / on October 17, 2017 at 4:00 pm / in Wellness

Prospecting to Soothe the Soul

Believe it or not, prospecting for business can bring immense peace of mind. Often real estate agents refer to prospecting as ‘cold calling’. Stop doing that! It’s like telling a child, “Don’t climb the tree” – his or her subconscious mind only hears, “Climb the tree”. Start telling your subconscious mind that prospecting is ‘warm calling’, and you will start […]

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by / on June 23, 2017 at 3:30 pm / in Wellness

Hot Hot Choices

For busy professionals with children, everything is about to shift and I suggest we consciously shift as opposed to unconsciously slide. It all kicked off with income tax season (yes, I said that dirty word), then before we knew it we were rolling in to graduations, end of semester picnics, exams and dance recitals – life! Summer is upon us […]

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by / on May 19, 2017 at 9:00 am / in Wellness

First, Relax – Yogic Tips and Techniques to Soothe the Soul

Part 1: Take a deep breath. Close your eyes. Concentrate this next breath through your left nostril. Use your mind to control your breath. Repeat eleven times. In the thirty seconds it takes to practice this technique, your body, mind and breath shifts. It is a fact. Part 2: See, sense, feel or imagine the place in your life, in […]

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by / on May 11, 2017 at 10:55 am / in Wellness

Inner and Outer Vision

The human body is a sensory process. Each of our sense organs takes in information that we imbue with meaning. May is Vision Health Month so get ready for a unique experience as we explore the function of each organ (think Grade 9 biology refresher) and a kriya to create awareness and healing for that organ. Lights Camera Action When […]

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by / on April 15, 2017 at 9:54 pm / in Wellness

Your Focus Becomes Your Life

The way we use our body, mind and emotions creates our reality, even if that reality is untrue or incomplete. If we think a thought enough times it starts to feel like the real thing. In yoga, a visual focal point is called a drishti. Focusing the eyes on a specific spot steadies the body, keeps the mind alert and […]

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by / on January 24, 2017 at 10:00 pm / in Wellness

Embracing the New Year

The holidays are over, and the resolutions and “One Words” have been thoughtfully chosen and announced… then the reality of January kicks in. Many of us struggle with the first few months of the year emotionally and financially. We start out positive and optimistic and then our old patterns sneak back into our day-to-day lives and before we know it […]

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by / on December 23, 2016 at 10:30 am / in Wellness

3 Affirmations for the Holidays

The good news – food, family and money! The bad news – food, family and money!  But wait – you have much more within your power than you have given yourself credit for. Your subconscious mind has recorded all information since the time you were born.  That’s a lot of information.  Some of what we retain from the past serves […]

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by / on December 21, 2016 at 10:00 am / in Wellness

Prompter!™: 3 Minutes to a Better Life

Let’s say you’re driving to work and the roadway you’re taking is blocked with debris.  You’ve been driving that same roadway for as long as you can remember so it has become second nature to you.  But what if there was a way to build a new roadway; a clear, well-constructed path to your destination in as little as three […]

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