
by / on December 20, 2019 at 3:30 pm / in Wellness

Messages from the Heart

By Melanie Robitaille, Sr. Staff Writer & Graphic Designer Since the moment I was able to type a note on my iPhone, I’ve felt a bit like someone with a foothold in two totally different worlds. I can’t recall a time when I didn’t feel compelled to write in a journal, when I didn’t relish the detail in scrap-booking, when […]

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by / on November 19, 2019 at 10:03 am / in Wellness

Keeping Your Mind Top of Mind: Part 1 of a Series on a Life Well Lived

By Samantha Morris, VP Digital Marketing The best life definition is always evolving and changes over time. It’s also dependent on your needs and what’s going on in your world and environment. We’re never a complete painting, so we must be flexible and adaptable, continually checking in with self on a regular basis to feel as fulfilled as possible. You […]

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by / on September 6, 2019 at 3:45 pm / in Wellness

Stress Less and Start Living: Mindfulness Meditation, Part 2

This is the 2nd installment in a series by Staff Writer, Chad Morris. We’re in the thick of a stress epidemic. While we can’t control external stressors like global politics and the economy, we’re not totally helpless. It’s now more important than ever to practice self-care, so we’re equipped to handle any stress life has in store for us. To do […]

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by / on August 27, 2019 at 9:53 am / in Wellness

Forty and Still Feisty

By Melanie Robitaille, Sr. Staff Writer Have you ever noticed that no matter how the happily ever after truism seems to play out in Hollywood or novel tales, the story always conveniently fades to an ambiguous end generally around the point of the middle-aged years in life? I’ve always believed that age is truly just a number and as such […]

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by / on July 19, 2019 at 1:25 pm / in Wellness

Stress Less and Start Living: A National Crisis, Part 1

By Chad Morris, Staff Writer The United States was the global leader for life expectancy in the 1960s, but this trend was short-lived, so to speak. Life expectancy in the U.S. has been declining for decades relative to other developed countries—it’s now 1.5 years less than the OECD country average. As of 2018, life expectancy dropped for the third year […]

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by / on June 5, 2019 at 5:38 pm / in Wellness

Wellness in the Workplace

By Sharron Richardson, VP, Broker Services Employers know how important it is to have healthy, motivated workers. This leads to a more productive and positive workplace for everyone. There are a number of factors that can chip away at a healthy workplace environment: the physical facilities, working conditions, even time of year (cold and flu season anyone?) Studies show, however, […]

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by / on April 22, 2019 at 11:11 am / in Wellness

Live In The Elements

By Melanie Robitaille, Sr. Staff Writer Humans are more than mere flesh and bone. There’s a reason why we’re built to breath the air; why our bodies are made of water and are nourished by the warmth of the sun and the fruits of the earth. We aren’t just designed by nature, we’re a part of it. The societal shift […]

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by / on April 18, 2019 at 4:12 pm / in Wellness

The Journey for a Purposeful Life

In the book Moby Dick, Captain Ahab is so obsessed with catching the infamous whale that he loses sight of what’s important and sails off to a catastrophic end. This story rings true for the of people seeking a purposeful life, where the struggle to find meaning produces an assortment of negative emotions and health ramifications under the blanket term […]

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by / on April 12, 2019 at 1:21 pm / in Wellness

Decluttering Your Mind and Space

Some people loathe daylight savings time and feel like the Monday immediately following is a rough one. Others revel in the brighter days and gain a renewed sense of hope. Most of us fall somewhere in between. As the days get warmer and longer you might find that you are inspired to dust off those shelves covered in old magazines […]

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by / on January 1, 2019 at 9:00 am / in Wellness

Overcoming the 7 Deadly Triggers for Procrastination

Despite knowing what we should be doing, procrastination is pervasive, with “chronic procrastination” afflicting twenty percent of the population. How does the siren call of the snooze button continually overpower our good intentions? Research suggests that when a task is not intrinsically rewarding, is boring, frustrating, ambiguous, unstructured, or lacks personal meaning, the brain’s emotion-driven limbic system senses displeasure and […]

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