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by / on December 4, 2014 at 6:35 pm / in Lifestyle

Welcome to Focus On Good Health

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by / on November 26, 2014 at 3:02 pm / in Lifestyle

Your 30 Day Mental Diet

An affirmation is a declaration that something is true and focuses on a positive outcome. Habit formation is the process by which new behaviors become automatic. It is said that a habit is formed in 21 days. What if you wrote affirmations in present tense focusing on positive things about yourself and your life for one month? What if those […]

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by / on November 11, 2014 at 1:24 pm / in Health

Raw Honey: A Superfood

This sweet, rich, golden liquid definitely reflects its name. Honey, which you can put on just about anything from toast to yogurt to pancakes, or as a sweetener for teas, is packed with powerful benefits. One of the oldest medicines known to man, honey has been used in the treatment of respiratory diseases, skin ulcers, wounds, urinary diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, […]

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by / on November 6, 2014 at 8:58 am / in Wellness

Live Life Like a 2-Minute Warning

An NFL game lasts 60 actual minutes televised over the course of about 3 hours. Did you ever think about the amount of time that the ball is actually in play during the game? Surprisingly, the average length of time that the ball is actually in play during the course of a single football game is 12 minutes, or only […]

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by / on November 4, 2014 at 12:58 pm / in Wellness

Overcoming Financial Inertia

The term “inertia” comes from the Latin word, iners, meaning idle or sluggish. The Principle of Inertia as described by Newton in his First Law of Motion is that an object not subject to any external force moves at a constant velocity. Thus, an object will continue moving at its current velocity until some force causes its speed or direction […]

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by / on October 23, 2014 at 9:15 am / in Health

Healthy Fats, Proteins and Carbs

Healthy Fats We all need fat but only as long as it’s healthy fat. Below are a few types of healthy fats: Healthy Oils: Extra virgin olive oil (or EVOO as Rachael Ray calls it) and organic coconut oil both show anti-inflammatory and cardio-protective properties. Even though coconut oil is primarily a saturated fat, it’s comprised mostly of medium chain […]

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by / on October 21, 2014 at 9:03 am / in Health

Leptin Power Snack

Leptin Leptin is the hormone that tells our brain that we are full. It tells us to stop eating and helps control our body weight and metabolism. Below are five “laws” of leptin that will help your body stay full and fit: No grazing after dinner Reduce your carb intake Eat small meals Eat three meals a day Eat morning […]

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by / on October 16, 2014 at 9:05 am / in Wellness

Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation can cause many harmful and potentially long term side effects. New parents and college students will probably agree with me when I say how much sleep is missed when you are not getting enough. Below are a few side effects that can come from lack of sleep: Short Term: Decreased performance and alertness Memory and cognitive impairment Stress […]

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by / on September 23, 2014 at 4:40 pm / in Health

EXIT on the Go!

In today’s fast paced real estate market, EXIT Realty agents and brokers need to fuel up fast. After all, time is money! Agents simply DO NOT have the time to cook meals that will provide them with the physical and emotional fitness for wealth and wellness success. The following is a list of DREAM Wellness-approved snacks designed to accommodate the […]

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by / on September 18, 2014 at 1:14 pm / in Wellness

Habits Are Human: How to Break the Bad Ones

A commentary by Nicole Cohen and Craig Weatherby (editor) in Food, Health and Eco News from Vital Choice What is a habit? Habits are tiny programs in our brains that run our lives. And those habits – the route you took to work, the evening cocktail, and the cuss word you dropped in front of a nun – have little […]

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