
by / on August 5, 2022 at 4:00 pm / in Wellness

Take a Breath

It gives us life, but have you ever thought about the power breath has over our quality of life? There’s a reason why so many of us were taught to “take a breath” in order to calm down, because as it turns out breath is directly tied to our body’s limbic system, the part of the brain responsible for emotional […]

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by / on July 20, 2022 at 8:30 am / in Wellness

Look Back, Move Forward

It’s time to get real about what’s working, what’s not, and using the valuable data from the past which has so much to offer you today and beyond. Self-reflection is a very practical, personal inventory that will result in consciousness and growth. It’s powerful and progressive to make space to reflect in this capacity, allowing for corrections and tweaks. It’s […]

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by / on April 23, 2022 at 11:00 am / in Wellness

How to Create Positive Mental Health Spaces Inside the Home

The places where you spend the most time each day contribute to your mental health and overall well-being. Various attributes, including the size of a room, how it is furnished, and the company you keep, can influence your wellness. Although some elements of each day fall outside of personal control, we can decide how to create a mental space inside […]

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by / on September 17, 2021 at 1:00 pm / in Wellness

Finding Your Inner Peace

Peace. It’s something we all strive to achieve within ourselves and hope for on a global scale. A concept so coveted, the United Nations felt compelled to establish a day of observance in 1981, and years later would go on to dedicate September 21st as the International Day of Peace. It stands for freedom from disturbance, which leaves room for […]

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by / on August 25, 2021 at 12:15 pm / in Wellness

The True Power Within

Everything you own, you once said “yes” to, whether you like it now or not. Stop and look around. What do you see? Whatever it is, it was once just a thought – an idea in someone’s mind. Your shoes, that lamp, or your outfit were all designed through a combination of ideas, thought out to create that exact product. […]

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by / on June 24, 2021 at 10:14 am / in Wellness

Self-Care Trends

Remember when self-care rolled out on a silver platter aglow with thoughts of pampering ourselves with luxurious baths and spending time with friends? These days seem to be a little less lavish and a lot more straightforward. Here is a look at a few of the evolved trends and why they might be even better! Eating Healthy Many people are […]

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by / on April 1, 2021 at 3:32 pm / in Wellness

A Year in Review

It seems like the perfect time to say, “We did it!” It’s been roughly one year since the shutdown for most parts of North America. But really when you think about it, what have we done this past year? Though we’ve all been “in this together” each persons experience has been totally unique to them. Here’s a look at the […]

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by / on March 26, 2021 at 11:20 am / in Wellness

Keeping It Real

Why is it that no matter how great things are, we can still get sidetracked by negativity? There’s not a single one of us who can claim we’re happy 100% of the time, so honestly, why is it easier for us to believe the self-doubts, to get caught up in the gossiping, or to hang onto past hurts? The media […]

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by / on March 18, 2021 at 11:43 am / in Wellness

The Power of Prep

Whether its gearing up for a New Year with resolutions, setting SMART business goals, practicing for a presentation, studying for a test, contingency planning, meal prep, or setting the coffee maker the night before, people everywhere understand there’s power in preparation. For some it looks like a color-coded and labelled world of lists and organization that brings utter satisfaction and […]

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by / on December 15, 2020 at 9:00 pm / in Wellness

Physical Wellness

It’s possible that you started the year off with big hopes of eating healthy and going to the gym – only for them to be dashed by the shutdown due to the pandemic. It’s also possible that you are one of those people that always has an excuse as to why you aren’t working on your health (don’t have the […]

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