Wellness — April 12, 2019 at 1:21 pm

Decluttering Your Mind and Space


Some people loathe daylight savings time and feel like the Monday immediately following is a rough one. Others revel in the brighter days and gain a renewed sense of hope. Most of us fall somewhere in between. As the days get warmer and longer you might find that you are inspired to dust off those shelves covered in old magazines and finally get down to business on ideas that have been hibernating all winter.

Spring cleaning can be a wonderful process. Open the windows and doors and let the fresh air flow. Go through boxes or closets full of clothing you kept “just in case” and keep what you love and donate the rest. Put away some of those extra throw blankets and pillows that kept you warm in the colder months and really see what you have hidden underneath. Here are a few more suggestions you may not have considered:

  • Go through your household cleaning products and sort those you are using from the ones just taking up space. Since many household cleaners are hazardous waste be sure to dispose of them properly. If the thought of using chemical cleaners bothers you, here are some recipes for making your own cleaners with products you may already have at home.
  • Spring cleaning is about finally getting around to those tasks you have been putting off. Clean your windows inside and out, use the detail brushes on the vacuum and scrub the grout between tiles. When you wash the floors, many times the mop doesn’t reach down to the grout Instead of a mop try using a scrub brush to really clean the hard to reach areas.
  • Vacuum behind the refrigerator and inside the dryer lint filter. You should also check any vents and replace filters where needed (fridge, water system, air system).

In addition, go through your home and check all smoke and CO2 alarms. Change batteries as needed.

Once you’ve tackled your home you can do the same for your mind! Even with a clean house you can become easily overwhelmed when you have so many things to do and no head space to do them. Decluttering your mind isn’t quite as cut and dry as your physical space so here are a few do’s and don’ts to get you started:

  • DO Prioritize: Not everything we do is necessary. Make a list of things that “have to” get done and the things that you’d “like” to get done. Start with your have-to list and go from there!
  • DON’T Procrastinate: So much space in your head can be filled with tasks left unfinished, pushed aside for another day. Work on being more decisive and handling simple tasks so you can free up space for something more fun.
  • DO Find an Outlet: Stress can come in many forms but thankfully so can relief! Think about what activities you enjoy or that bring you comfort and make time for them. Whether you like to relax by listening to music and painting alone at home or you are more comfortable on an evening out with friends, you should make it a point to find an outlet you enjoy and schedule an activity at least once a month.

The statements made in this article have not been evaluated by Health Canada or the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. None of the information presented is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

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